We will be unable to answer the contact number during business hours but please leave a message or send an email and we will reply as soon as possible..

Phone: 087 7413618 | Email: info@thefarmyard.ie

Barn Dance

A Barn Dance is being held at 8pm on the Sunday of the Halloween Bank Holiday (27th of October) at the Farmyard, Corofin.

This is a fundraiser for local man Leonard Donoghue who was badly injured in a recent flying accident. Leonard sustained multiple fractures in both his legs and his left hand and subsequently has had to suspend his business as a result.

Doors open at 8.30 where a support band will play prior to the Wingers. Refreshments will be served on the night and alcohol will also be available. Tickets go on sale from Monday the 7th of October and there are two ticket options available

(A) Admission only €20
(B) Admission and Transport €25 (Pick up Corofin Hall, Drop off to location within 5 miles of the Farmyard

Book your Barndance tickets on Eventbrite