We will be unable to answer the contact number during business hours but please leave a message or send an email and we will reply as soon as possible..

Phone: 087 7413618 | Email: info@thefarmyard.ie

Primary School Tours

The Farmyard  is an ideal venue for school tours to enjoy a memorable, stress free day trip. The School tour programme can be tailored to your particular needs and suits all age groups from the senior classes to the infants!

We provide a completely safe environment, facilitated by experienced staff where children and teachers can thoroughly enjoy themselves.

We also have lunch facilities and a farm shop for those school tour souvenirs.

The Farmyard also offers tours which align the times of the junior & senior classes which can be discussed.

It has partnered up with other service providers for schools that want to extend their day trip – such providers include Micheal Cusacks Centre, Dysert Castle, The National Parks and Wildlife Centres in Gort, Dromore and Corofin & Clare Leisure World. Contact Darragh on 087 7413618 for more information.

Choose from 2 options for junior and senior tours.


Juniors and Senior Infants €14.50 pp, 3 hour program.

This tour can include:

  • Farm Tour,
  • Animal Grooming and Feeding ,
  • Butter Churning,
  • Milking a cow,
  • Sow a Seedling


1st class to 6th class. €17 pp 4 hour program.

This tour can include:

  • Farm Tour,
  • Animal Grooming and Feeding ,
  • Butter Churning,
  • Milking a cow,
  • Archery,
  • Mini Farmyard Competitions
  • Obstacle Course (5th and 6th Class)

Enquire about our Primary School Tours now!