We will be unable to answer the contact number during business hours but please leave a message or send an email and we will reply as soon as possible..

Phone: 087 7413618 | Email: info@thefarmyard.ie


Primary School Tours

The Farmyard is an ideal venue for school tours to enjoy a memorable, stress free day trip. The School tour programme can be tailored to your particular needs and suits all age groups from the senior classes to the infants!

University Tours

The Farmyard experience provides an exciting getaway programme of fun, adventure, self discovery and team building for third level students. Programmes can be tailored to meet specific group needs and can consist of a series of activities.

Questions & Answers

Secondary School Tours

The Farmyard is the perfect destination to facilitate team and relationship building. Through a series of fun activities we explore our dependence on the land and the origins of the food cycle.

International Groups

At The Farmyard we have a tailored programme of activities for international groups which allows them to experience Irish culture and traditions at its best.

Terms & Conditions