About Us
Farmyard History
The Farmyard is situated on the Quinn family farm which is located at the foot of Mullaghmór Mountain in the stunning Burren region of Co. Clare. It is a family farm steeped in tradition and a dedication to the farming way of life.
Burren Eco Tourism
Ecotourism focuses on ecologically and socially responsible, nature-based tourism that fosters environmental appreciation and understanding while contributing to the local economy.
Quinn Family
Darragh and Aisling Quinn are married with three children, Daniel and twins Harry and Sophie. As parents we recognise our role in promoting a healthy way of living for both ourselves and our children.
Read about the experiences other people had on the farm… and if you’ve visited us – perhaps you want to share all the fun as well.
Some of our famous recipes to enjoy the delicious food again when you get home.
The Burren
The Burren lies south of Galway in County Clare, Ireland. The word “Burren” comes from an Irish word “Boíreann” meaning a rocky place. This is an extremely appropriate name when you consider the lack of soil cover and the extent of exposed Limestone Pavement.
Photo Gallery
See for yourself all the fun of the farm… please enjoy our gallery and if you’ve visited us – perhaps you have photos to share.